ENGLISH-TETUM: Guia Referénsia Entrevista ba Aplikante Timor-oan iha Vaga Sazonal Austrália, 2024



B(caps)elun leé nain blog FAHE HO ITA! Ita bo'ot asesu dokumentu ne’e tamba agora dadaun prepara hela atu tuir teste entrevista ka nesesídade ba futuru ka atu uza hanesan matadalan? sorte diak ba ita bo’ot tamba iha konteúdu ne’e belun FAHE HO ITA prepara no akumula ona pergunta no resposta sira hotu ne’ebé maka durante ne’e fahe ona iha blog FAHE HO ITA www.fahehoita.blogspot.com.

Ezemplu diálogu sira akumula aprezenta iha lian Ingles baziku ho nia tradusaun TETUM, simples no kompreensivu especíal ba trabailador UNSKILLED sira ka trabailador sira ho koinesementu lian Ingles natón ka oituan liu atu uza hanesan matadalan ba preparasaun hasoru entrevista ba area servisu sira hanesan ALOJAMENTU/OSPITALIDADE, AGRIKULTURA/HORTIKULTURA, AUTOMOTIVE, AGED CARE, DRIVER, MEAT WORKS, AQUACULTURE, MINING, TOURISM inklui pergunta jeral no specífiku sira seluk ne’ebé belun FAHE HO ITA asesu husi belun sira ne’ebé tuir ona teste entrevista iha etapa dahuluk no daruak husi vaga PALM Scheme online tinan 2023 nian.

Husu ba belun FAHE HO ITA atu kurizi ka aumenta ba referénsia ne’e, husi konteúdu sira seluk ne’ebé ita bo’ot asesu husi fonte external sira nune’e bele melhorar diak liután ita bo’ot sira nia preparasaun.

#12 Palm Scheme Work Sectors Guide


Iha konteúdu referénsia liga ho setor servisu ne'e ami prepara pergunta ho resposta uza liafuan Ingles ne’ebé simples i kompreensivu espesial ba trabailador Unskilled,  ba pergunta no resposta sira kategoria jeral, spesifiku no pergunta i resposta sira kona ba esperiénsia individual ida nian liga ho setor servisu ne'e.

Inklui hotu pergunta jeral no spesifiku mai husi belun sira ne’ebé esperiénsia tuir pre-asesmentu iha entrevista faze dahuluk no faze daruak nian. Ezemplu balun husi konteúdu hanesan tuir mai:

1. Can you tell me a bit about yourself?/Bele Introduz ita bo'ot nia-an mai ami?

I am a dedicated and customer-focused individual with a passion for the hospitality industry. I have a strong work ethic and a commitment to providing excellent service.
Ha'u ema ida-ne'ebé dedikadu iha servisu atende kliente iha paixaun bo'ot ba indústria ospitalidade. Ha'u iha étika servisu ne'ebé forte no kompromisu atu fornese servisu ne'ebé di'ak.

2. What interests you about working in the hospitality industry?/Saida mak halo ita bo'ot interese atu serbisu iha indústria ospitalidade?

The hospitality industry is dynamic and offers the opportunity to meet and serve people from all walks of life. I enjoy the challenge of creating memorable experiences for guests.
Indústria ospitalidade dinámika no oferese oportunidade atu hasoru no serve ema husi barak hosi nasaun oioin. Ha'u kontente tebes atu kria esperiénsia ne'ebé furak ho kliente sira.

3. In your opinion, what are the three most important qualities you can have for working in the hospitality industry?/Tuir Ita-nia hanoin, hahalok kualidade importante tolu saida mak Ita bele halo atu serbisu iha indústria ospitalidade?

In my opinion, the three most important qualities are excellent customer service skills, a positive attitude, and the ability to work well under pressure.
Tuir ha'u-nia hanoin, kualidade hahalok tolu ne'ebé importante liu mak abilidade atendimentu ba kliente ne'ebé di'ak, atitude pozitivu, no abilidade atu servisu ho di'ak iha presaun laran.

4. How would you describe your communication style?/Oinsá Ita bo'ot deskrebe lalaok komunikasaun ita bo'ot nian?

I would describe my communication style as clear, respectful, and empathetic. I believe in actively listening to understand the needs of others.
Ha'u deskrebe lalaok ka estilu komunikasaun ha'u nia ho klaru, respeitu, no hatudu empátiku. Ha'u fiar katak atensaun, rona no kompriende ema seluk nia presiza ne'e importante tebes.

5. What skills do you have that enhance your teamwork capabilities?/Abilidade saida de'it mak ita bo'o iha atu hasa'e kapasidade servisu ekipa ita bo'ot nia?

I am a collaborative team player who values the input of others. I believe in open communication and mutual respect within a team.
Ha'u ema ida kolaborativu servisu iha ekipa no valoriza ideia ema seluk nia. Ha'u fiar katak komunikasaun nakloke no respeitu malu iha ekipa laran ne'e importante.


Iha konteúdu referénsia liga ho setor servisu ne'e ami prepara pergunta ho resposta uza liafuan simples kompreensivu espesial ba trabailador Unskilled, ba pergunta no resposta sira iha kategoria jeral, spesifiku no pergunta i resposta sira kona ba esperiénsia individual ida nian liga ho setor servisu ne'e. 

Inklui hotu pergunta jeral no spesifiku mai husi belun sira ne’ebé esperiénsia tuir pre-asesmentu iha entrevista faze dahuluk no faze daruak nian. Ezemplu balun husi konteúdu hanesan tuir mai:

1. Are you comfortable with using farm machinery?/Ita bele atu uza mákina agrikultura ka lae?

Yes, I have used different farm machines for tasks like preparing the land, planting seeds, and picking crops. I know how to use and look after tractors, plows, seed drills, sprayers, and harvesters. I also know that it’s important to be safe when using these machines.
Sim, ha'u uza ona mákina agrikultór oioin ba servisu prepara rai, kuda fini, no kuda ai-horis. Ha'u hatene oinsá atu uza no tau matan ba tratór sira, makina fila-rai, makina kuda-fini, makina regador, no makina koileta. Ha'u mós hatene oinsa nafatin seguru bainhira uza mákina sira-ne'e.

2. Are you okay with working in Australia for up to 4 years?/Ita bo'ot prontu atu servisu iha Australia to'o tinan 4?

Yes, I have talked about this with my family and am ready to work in Australia for up to 4 years. I know that this is a great chance to learn new skills and get good experience. I am excited about learning about farming in Australia.
Sim, ha'u ko'alia ona kona-ba ne'e ho ha'u-nia família no prontu atu servisu iha Australia to'o tinan 4. Ha'u hatene katak ida-ne'e mak oportunidade di'ak atu aprende abilidade foun no hetan esperiénsia di'ak. Ha'u kontente atu aprende kona-ba agrikultura iha Australia.

3. What are your plans after working in Australia?/Planu saida mak ita iha hafoin servisu iha Australia?

After working in Australia, I plan to bring back the skills and knowledge I’ve gained to Timor-Leste. I believe that the experience will be beneficial not only for me but also for my local community as I can share what I’ve learned and apply it to our local farming practices.
Hafoin servisu iha Australia, ha'u planu atu lori fali ha'u-nia abilidade no koñesimentu ne'ebé ha'u hetan ona ba Timor-Leste. Ha'u fiar katak esperiénsia ne'e sei lori benefísiu la'ós de'it ba ha'u maibé mós ba ha'u-nia komunidade lokál tanba ha'u bele fahe buat ne'ebé ha'u aprende ona no aplika ba prátika agrikultura lokál sira iha ha'u nia komunidade.


Iha konteúdu referénsia liga ho setor servisu ne'e ami prepara pergunta ho resposta uza liafuan simples kompreensivu espesial ba trabailador Unskilled, ba pergunta no resposta sira iha kategoria jeral, spesifiku no pergunta i resposta sira kona ba esperiénsia individual ida nian liga ho setor servisu ne'e. 

Inklui hotu pergunta jeral no spesifiku mai husi belun sira ne’ebé esperiénsia tuir pre-asesmentu iha entrevista faze dahuluk no faze daruak nian. Ezemplu balun husi konteúdu hanesan tuir mai:

1. Tell me about yourself./Hatete mai ha'u kona ba ita bo'ot nia-an/Introduz ita bo'ot nia-an.

I am a hardworking individual with a passion for the automotive industry. I have experience in various roles and am always eager to learn new skills.
Ha'u ema ida-ne'ebé servisu maka'as iha paixaun ba indústria automotiva. Ha'u iha esperiénsia iha papél oioin no ha'u sempre hakarak aprende abilidade foun.

2. What are your repair qualifications and certifications?/Ita-boot iha kualifikasaun no sertifikasaun iha servisu reparasaun?

I have completed a vocational training program in automotive technology and hold a certification in automotive repair.
Ha'u kompleta ona programa formasaun profisionál iha teknolojia automotiva no iha sertifikasaun ba servisu reparasaun automotiva.

3. Is there a specific vehicle you’re passionate about?/Ita iha paixaun specifiku ruma kona ba kareta?

I have always been fascinated by classic cars and enjoy working on them.
Ha'u siempre fasinadu/gosta karreta klasiku no kontente hodi serbisu ho karreta sira-ne'e.

4. Is there a certain part of automotive work you love?/Iha parte balun husi serbisu automotivu ne'ebé ita gosta?

I particularly enjoy diagnosing and fixing electrical issues in vehicles.
Ha'u partikular gosta diagnósa no hadi'a problema eletrisidade iha karreta sira.

5. How would you describe the primary duties of an automotive technician?/Deskreve tok knaar prinsipál sira nudar tékniku reparasaun automotivu nian?

An automotive technician is responsible for diagnosing and repairing vehicle issues, performing routine maintenance, and ensuring the overall safety and performance of the vehicle.
Knaar prinsipal sira tékniku reparasaun automotivu nia mak responsavel ba diagnóstiku no hadi'a problema karreta, hala'o manutensaun rutina, no asegura seguransa no dezempeñu jerál karreta nian.


Iha konteúdu referénsia liga ho setor servisu ne'e ami prepara pergunta ho resposta uza liafuan simples kompreensivu espesial ba trabailador Unskilled, ba pergunta no resposta sira iha kategoria jeral, spesifiku no pergunta i resposta sira kona ba esperiénsia individual ida nian liga ho setor servisu ne'e. 

Inklui hotu pergunta jeral no spesifiku mai husi belun sira ne’ebé esperiénsia tuir pre-asesmentu iha entrevista faze dahuluk no faze daruak nian. Ezemplu balun husi konteúdu hanesan tuir mai:

1. Tell me about yourself and why you’re interested in the Australian Seasonal Workers Program?/Hatete mai ha'u kona ba ita no tamba saida interese iha programa servisu sazonal Australia?

I reside in Dili and have been employed at a local aged care facility for the past two years. The Australian Seasonal Workers Program appeals to me as it offers an excellent opportunity to acquire international work experience and enhance my skills. I also intend to remit money to my family here in Timor-Leste.
Ha'u hela iha Dili no hetan ona servisu iha fasilidade lokál kuidadu ba idozu durante tinan rua liu ba. Programa Traballador Seasonal Australia nian ba ha'u oferese oportunidade di'ak atu hetan esperiénsia servisu internasionál no hasa'e ha'u-nia abilidade. Ha'u mós hakarak atu buka osan ba ha'u-nia família iha Timor-Leste.

2. Do you have any questions for me?/Ita bo'ot iha pergunta ruma mai ha'u?

Yes, I would like to know more about the training and support provided to the workers during the program.
Sim, ha'u hakarak hatene kona ba treinamentu no suporta ne'ebe trabailador sira sei hetan iha programa ne'e.

3. How did you hear about the Australian Seasonal Workers Program?/Ita bo'ot hatene kona ba servisu sazonal Australia nia husi ne'ebe?

I heard about the Australian Seasonal Workers Program through a friend who participated in it last year.
Ha'u hatene kona ba programa ne'e hosi kolega ne'ebe partisipa ona iha programa husi tinan kotuk.

4. What are your expectations from this program?/saida mak ita bo'ot hakarak hetan hosi programa ne'e?

I expect to gain valuable international work experience, improve my skills, and contribute positively to the community I will be working in.
ha'u hakarak hetan esperiensia servisu internasional ne'ebe iha valor bo'ot, hasa'e abilidade, no kontribui ho pozitivu ba komunidade ne'ebe ha'u servisu ba.


Iha konteúdu referénsia liga ho setor servisu ne'e ami prepara pergunta ho resposta uza liafuan simples kompreensivu espesial ba trabailador Unskilled, ba pergunta no resposta sira iha kategoria jeral, spesifiku no pergunta i resposta sira kona ba esperiénsia individual ida nian liga ho setor servisu ne'e. 

Inklui hotu pergunta jeral no spesifiku mai husi belun sira ne’ebé esperiénsia tuir pre-asesmentu iha entrevista faze dahuluk no faze daruak nian. Ezemplu balun husi konteúdu hanesan tuir mai:

1. What kind of vehicles do you drive or have a license for?/Kareta oinsa mak ita bele lori no iha CC/sim ka lae?

I have a license for driving both light and heavy vehicles. I have experience driving cars, vans, and trucks.
Ha'u iha CC/sim ba kareta ki'ik no bo'ot. Ha'u esperiensia lori kareta mikrolete no fuso.

2. How familiar are you with the area and route you would be driving?/ita familiar ho area no dirasaun ne'ebe atu lori kareta ba?

I am very familiar with the local area and have a good sense of direction. I also use GPS to ensure I am taking the most efficient route.
Ha'u familiar tebes ho area lokal no iha sentido diak ba dirasaun. Ha'u mos uza GPS atu garantia hodi hili no liu dirasaun komum.

3. What do you enjoy the most about driving?/saida maka ita gosta liu kona lori kareta?

I enjoy the freedom and responsibility that comes with driving. I also enjoy the opportunity to see different places and meet new people.
Ha'u gosta liberdade no responsabilidade nudar kondutor. Ha'u mos gosta oportunidade hodi  vizita fatin barak no hasoru ema foun.

4. What would be the first thing you do if you got into an accident while driving for us?/bainhira servisu ho ami, Saida mak ita sei halo dahuluk bainhira hetan asidente?

The first thing I would do is ensure that everyone involved is safe and unharmed. I would then report the accident to the police and to my supervisor.
Buat dahuluk ha'u sei halo mak garantia katak ema hotu envolve iha asidente seguru no saudavel. Depois ha'u sei kontaktu polisia no supervisor kona ba asidente ne'e.

5. Do you have a clean driving record?/ita bo'ot rejistu nudar kondutor di'ak?

Yes, I have a clean driving record with no traffic violations or accidents.
Sim, ha'u rejistu nudar kondutor ne'ebe la-viola lei tranzito no la-envolve asidente ruma.


Iha konteúdu referénsia liga ho setor servisu ne'e ami prepara pergunta ho resposta uza liafuan simples kompreensivu espesial ba trabailador Unskilled, ba pergunta no resposta sira iha kategoria jeral, spesifiku no pergunta i resposta sira kona ba esperiénsia individual ida nian liga ho setor servisu ne'e. 

Inklui hotu pergunta jeral no spesifiku mai husi belun sira ne’ebé esperiénsia tuir pre-asesmentu iha entrevista faze dahuluk no faze daruak nian. Ezemplu balun husi konteúdu hanesan tuir mai:

1. What kind of experience do you have in the meat industry?/Esperiensia saida mak ita iha kona ba industria na'an?

I have several years of experience in the meat industry, working in various roles from meat cutting to packaging. I am familiar with the different cuts of meat and the best methods for processing and preserving them.
ha'u iha esperiensia tinan balun iha industria naan, hala'o servisu hanesan ko'a no falun na'an. Ha'u familiar ho oinsa ko'a naan ba medida sira diferente no hatene metodu sira ba prosesamentu no prezervasaun na'an.

2. How do you ensure quality in your work?/oinsa ita garantia qualidade iha servisu fatin?

Quality is my top priority. I always follow the established protocols for meat handling and processing. I also regularly check the equipment for any issues that might affect the quality of the meat.
Qualidade mak prioridade ha'u nia. Ha'u siempre banati tuir protokolu sira kona ba tratamentu no prosesamentu. Ha'u mos siempre verifika ekipamentu sira regularmente hodi identifika sekarik iha problema ruma hodi afeita ba kualidade na'an

3. How do you handle working in a cold environment?/oinsa ita maneija hodi servisu iha ambiente malirin?

I understand that working in a cold environment is part of the job in a meat processing plant. I make sure to dress appropriately and take necessary breaks to ensure I can perform my duties effectively.
I kompriende katak ambiente malirin nudar parte ida husi servisu prosesamentu na'an, Ha'u sei atensaun hodi uza farda servisu nia apropriadu no presija deskansa naton hodi garantia hala'o ha'u nia servisu ho efetivu.

4. How do you maintain safety in your work?/Oinsa ita mantein seguransa iha servisu fatin?

Safety is crucial in the meat industry. I always use the equipment properly and follow all safety guidelines. I also keep my work area clean to prevent any potential hazards.
Seguransa nudar parte importante iha industria na'an. Ha'u siempre uza eqipamentu ho propriu no banati tuir guia seguransa nia. Ha'u mos sei mantein area servisu mo'os hodi prevene azar potensial ruma atu akontese


Iha konteúdu referénsia liga ho setor servisu ne'e ami prepara pergunta ho resposta uza liafuan simples kompreensivu espesial ba trabailador Unskilled, ba pergunta no resposta sira iha kategoria jeral, spesifiku no pergunta i resposta sira kona ba esperiénsia individual ida nian liga ho setor servisu ne'e. 

Inklui hotu pergunta jeral no spesifiku mai husi belun sira ne’ebé esperiénsia tuir pre-asesmentu iha entrevista faze dahuluk no faze daruak nian. Ezemplu balun husi konteúdu hanesan tuir mai:

1. What kind of experience do you have in the aquaculture industry?

I have several years of experience in the aquaculture industry, working in various roles from fish farming to hatchery management. I am familiar with different species of fish and the best methods for their cultivation and care.

2. How do you ensure quality in your work?

Quality is my top priority. I always follow the established protocols for fish handling and processing. I also regularly check the equipment for any issues that might affect the quality of the fish.

3. How do you handle working in a wet and cold environment?

I understand that working in a wet and cold environment is part of the job in an aquaculture farm. I make sure to dress appropriately and take necessary breaks to ensure I can perform my duties effectively.

4. How do you maintain safety in your work?

Safety is crucial in the aquaculture industry. I always use the equipment properly and follow all safety guidelines. I also keep my work area clean to prevent any potential hazards.

5. What species of fish are you experienced in cultivating?

I have experience in cultivating a variety of species, including salmon, trout, and tilapia. I understand the specific needs and care requirements of each species.
Iha konteúdu referénsia liga ho setor servisu ne'e ami prepara pergunta ho resposta uza liafuan simples kompreensivu espesial ba trabailador Unskilled, ba pergunta no resposta sira iha kategoria jeral, spesifiku no pergunta i resposta sira kona ba esperiénsia individual ida nian liga ho setor servisu ne'e. 

Inklui hotu pergunta jeral no spesifiku mai husi belun sira ne’ebé esperiénsia tuir pre-asesmentu iha entrevista faze dahuluk no faze daruak nian. Ezemplu balun husi konteúdu hanesan tuir mai:

1. What kind of experience do you have in the factory industry?

I have several years of experience in the factory industry, working in various roles from machine operation to quality control. I am familiar with different types of machinery and the best methods for their operation and maintenance.

2. How do you ensure quality in your work?

Quality is my top priority. I always follow the established protocols for machine operation and product inspection. I also regularly check the equipment for any issues that might affect the quality of the products.

3. How do you handle working in a noisy environment?

I understand that working in a noisy environment is part of the job in a factory. I make sure to use appropriate hearing protection and take necessary breaks to ensure I can perform my duties effectively.

4. How do you maintain safety in your work?

Safety is crucial in the factory industry. I always use the equipment properly and follow all safety guidelines. I also keep my work area clean to prevent any potential hazards.

5. What kind of machinery are you experienced in operating?

I have experience operating various types of machinery, including assembly line equipment, packaging machines, and quality control systems. I am also trained in maintaining and troubleshooting these machines.


Iha konteúdu referénsia liga ho setor servisu ne'e ami prepara pergunta ho resposta uza liafuan simples kompreensivu espesial ba trabailador Unskilled, ba pergunta no resposta sira iha kategoria jeral, spesifiku no pergunta i resposta sira kona ba esperiénsia individual ida nian liga ho setor servisu ne'e. 

Inklui hotu pergunta jeral no spesifiku mai husi belun sira ne’ebé esperiénsia tuir pre-asesmentu iha entrevista faze dahuluk no faze daruak nian. Ezemplu balun husi konteúdu hanesan tuir mai:

1. What kind of experience do you have in the mining industry?

I have several years of experience in the mining industry, working in various roles from underground mining to open-cut mining. I am familiar with different types of minerals and the best methods for their extraction.

2. How do you ensure safety in your work?

Safety is crucial in the mining industry. I always use the equipment properly and follow all safety guidelines. I also regularly check the mine for any potential hazards.

3. How do you handle working in a challenging environment?

I understand that working in a mine can be physically demanding and potentially dangerous. I make sure to stay fit and take necessary precautions to ensure I can perform my duties effectively.

4. How do you maintain productivity in your work?

I plan my tasks effectively and prioritize them based on their urgency. I also keep my work area organized and make sure I have all the necessary tools and equipment before I start my work.

5. What kind of mining equipment are you experienced in using?

I have experience using various types of mining equipment, including drilling machines, loaders, and haul trucks. I am also trained in maintaining and troubleshooting these machines.


Iha konteúdu referénsia liga ho setor servisu ne'e ami prepara pergunta ho resposta uza liafuan simples kompreensivu espesial ba trabailador Unskilled, ba pergunta no resposta sira iha kategoria jeral, spesifiku no pergunta i resposta sira kona ba esperiénsia individual ida nian liga ho setor servisu ne'e. 

Inklui hotu pergunta jeral no spesifiku mai husi belun sira ne’ebé esperiénsia tuir pre-asesmentu iha entrevista faze dahuluk no faze daruak nian. Ezemplu balun husi konteúdu hanesan tuir mai:

1. What motivated you to pursue a career in tourism management?

I have always been passionate about traveling and exploring different cultures. I believe tourism management allows me to combine my passion with my profession.

2. What do you believe are the key skills necessary for success in this field?

Key skills for success in tourism management include strong communication skills, customer service orientation, problem-solving abilities, and a good understanding of the tourism industry.

3. What do you think sets tourism management apart from other industries?

Tourism management is unique because it deals with providing memorable experiences to people. It requires a deep understanding of different cultures, places, and customer preferences.

4. What do you think would be the biggest challenge you face in this role?

The biggest challenge in this role could be dealing with unforeseen circumstances like travel disruptions or customer complaints. However, with good problem-solving skills and a customer-centric approach, these challenges can be effectively managed.


Iha konteúdu referénsia ne'e ami prepara ona pergunta sira ne’ebé ho resposta uza liafuan simples kompreensivu espesial ba trabailador Unskilled, ba pergunta no resposta sira iha kategoria ne'e mai husi belun sira ne’ebé esperiénsia ona tuir pre-asesmentu iha entrevista faze dahuluk no faze daruak nian. Ezemplu balun husi konteúdu hanesan tuir mai:

1. Can you tell me about yourself?

I come from Same. I like to work hard and learn new things. I’m excited to work in Australia.

2. When and where did you learn English?

I learned English at school and use it every day. I also took some English courses.

3. What are your strengths and weaknesses?

I work hard and don’t give up easily. But sometimes, I’m too hard on myself. I’m trying to be kinder to myself.

4. Why do you want to work in Australia?

I want to work in Australia to learn new things, help my family, and save money for the future.


Belun sira! Konteúdu ne’e ami prepara hanesan referénsia ida hodi loke ita nia hanoin oinsa ita bele elabora ita nia resposta bainhira hasoru situasaun real entrevista nian, prepara didiak no keta haluha atu lao tuir sujestaun sira hanesan tuir mai.

Sujere atu atensaun iha tempu entrevista:

  • Onestu: Fo nafatin informasaun ne'ebé loos kona-ba Ita-nia abilidade no esperiénsia.
  • Hatudu entuziazmu: Empregador apresia kandidatu sira ne'ebé iha interese kona-ba sira-nia servisu.
  • Subliña abilidade relevante sira: Se ita-boot sira iha esperiénsia relevante ba setor sira mak hili ka prefere keta haluha temi ida-ne'e.
  • Profisional: Hatais didi'ak ba entrevista no kumprimenta ekipa entrevistador sira ne'ebé ita hasoru.
Programa Traballador Seasonal Australia nian iha ámbitu PALM Scheme, oferese oportunidade boot ida ba traballador sira husi Timor-Leste atu hetan rendimentu diak, oportunidade atu aprende abilidade foun, hasoru ema foun, no esperiénsia oinsa moris iha Austrália. Nune'e atu susesu! preparasaun mak xhave ba oportunidade ida ne'e.
Good Luck!

Watch the PALM Scheme Interview Reference Video.


#fahehoita #fahetutan

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