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Rezumu Kompreensivu Atu Hetene Lalais Uza Tenses 12 Lian Ingles nian ba Inisiador Sira
Verbu tenses Ingles maka formasaun verbu sira ne’ebé indika ba asaun ka situasaun ruma ne’ebé akontese iha tempu ruma nia laran. Tenses prinsipal iha lian Ingles hamutuk sanulu resin rua (12), husi 12 ne’e belun FAHE HO ITA akumula ona rezumu simples kompreensivu fahe ba parte tolu (3) nune’e bele fasilita ita kompriende lalais formasaun tenses ne’e rasik. Tenses lian Ingles nia konteúdu husi parte 3 mak hanesan PRESENT TENSE, PAST TENSE no FUTURE TENSE, husi tempu 3 ne’e kompostu husi tempu sira hanesan defini iha figura tuir mai.
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Husi rezumu esplikasaun sira tuir mai ita sei buka hatene maneira simples baziku sira ba verbu husi tense sira ne’e inklui oinsa atu forma, bainhira mak uza, signifika, no oinsa exepsaun sira konsidera iha pratika gramatika standarte lian Ingles nian.
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Present tense ne’e uza atu ko’alia kona ba buat ruma ne’ebé akontese iha tempu agora, ka buat ruma ne’ebé fiksu jeneralmente ka lá iha mudansa. Tuir mai ita haré tipu ida-idak husi tenses sira iha present tense ne’e rasik:1. Simple Present:
Tense ne’e uza atu espresa faktu sira, hábitu sira, rutinidade sira, opiniaun sira, ka sentimentu sira. Observa didika formulasaun ba simple present tense iha figura tuir mai:
Husi figura formulasaun ba simple present iha leten, presija atu hatene katak S=Sujeitu, V=Verbu, O=Objetu. Nune'e, ita hatene ona oinsa atu forma liafuan hodi hateten kona ba asaun ruma ho forma pozitivu, negativu no husu pergunta, observa ezemplu sira tuir mai ba formulasaun ne’e:
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Forma Pozitivu:
Atensaun katak, iha pratika hakerek fraze negativu ita habadak "do/does not" sai "don't/doesn't" nudar forma komum iha fraze lian Ingles nian. ‘Do/does’ nudar verbu auxiliar uza atu forma fraze negativu ka pergunta iha present tense maibé sira nia utilizasaun diferente depende ba sujeitu iha fraze ida. Observa no kompriende oinsa uza ‘do no ‘does’ ba sujeitu iha figura tuir mai.
Verbu auxiliary ‘do/does’ ne’e uza mós ba subtantivu singular no plural ka (Third-person singular nouns with indefinite pronouns) hanesan iha ezemplu tuir mai:
Ezemplu kona ba auxiliary verbs ne’e nudar esplikasaun simples ba utilizasaun ‘do/does’ iha simple present tense nian, detailu esplikasaun kona ba verbu auxiliar iha tenses sira seluk ita bo’ot bele asesu iha ne’e Auxiliary Verbs: Definition and Examples | Grammarly
- I live in Timor-Leste.
- She likes to go out on weekends.
- it takes 30 minutes to school.
- They love to share knowledge for free.
Forma Negativu:
- She does not live in Timor-Leste.
- I do not like to go out on weekends.
- It doesn't make any sense at all.
- They don't like to share.
Forma Interogativu:
- Does she live in Timor-Leste?
- Do you need some groceries?
- How long does it take to get to the Airport?
- Do they love sharing knowledge with others?
- The students do not have any homework.
- Does anyone want to volunteer?
- Everyone does their best.
- Nobody does it better.
- The car does not work.
- The dog does not like to go for walks.
2. Present Continuous
Tense ne’e uza atu espresa asaun ne’ebé akontese iha tempu agora dadaun, ka asaun ne’ebé progresu/la’o hela iha tempu agora dadaun. Observa didika formulasaun ba present continuous tense iha figura tuir mai:
Husi figura formluasaun iha leten ita hatene ona oinsa atu forma fraze, observa didiak ezemplu sira tuir mai:
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Forma Pozitivu:
- I am writing a letter.
- She is writing a letter.
- We are studying Tetum.
- They are working in the office.
Forma Negativu:
- I am not writing a letter.
- She is not writing a letter.
- They are not studying Tetum.
- We are not working at home.
Forma Interogativu:
- Are you writing a letter?
- Is she writing a letter?
- Are they coming home for lunch?
- Is it going to rain?
Atensaun katak, present continuous tense dala balun iha pratika uza mos atu koalia kona ba asaun sira atu halo iha futuru, situasaun temporariu, ka hahalok repetitiva sira, maibe importante liu mak kontinua banati tuir gramatika standar ba tense ne'e. Esplikasaun adisional detailu husi fonte external bele asesu iha ne'e Present Continuous Tense the Rule and the Exception.
3. Present Perfect
Tense ne’e uza atu espresa asaun sira ne’ebé akontese tiha ona iha tempu badak, asaun sira ne’ebé akontese tiha ona maibé sei iha ligasaun ho tempu agora. Observa didika formulasaun ba present perfect tense iha figura tuir mai:
Liu husi formulasaun iha figura leten, agora ita hatene ona oinsa forma fraze iha present perfect tense. Observa didiak ezemplu sira tuir mai:
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Forma Pozitivu:
Atensaun katak atu forma verbu sira ho loloós iha present perfect tense maka ita presija hatene verbu sira regular no irregular verbs. Atu hatene esplikasaun detailu kona ba verbu sira ne’e bele estuda iha ne’e: Irregular Verbs: Definition & Examples | Grammarly Blog.
- He has finished his homework.
- We have gone to Australia.
- They have left 30 minutes ago.
- The car has broken down.
Forma Negativu:
- He has not finished his homework.
- They have not gone to Australia yet.
- He has not eaten breakfast today.
- We have not called him back yet.
Forma Interogativu:
- Have you finished your homeworker?
- Has she ever been to Australia?
- Have we taken lunch yet?
- Has the food cooked yet?
Atensaun katak atu forma verbu sira ho loloós iha present perfect tense maka ita presija hatene verbu sira regular no irregular verbs. Atu hatene esplikasaun detailu kona ba verbu sira ne’e bele estuda iha ne’e: Irregular Verbs: Definition & Examples | Grammarly Blog.
4. Present Perfect Continuous
Tense ne’e uza atu espresa asaun sira ne’ebé akontese tiha ona iha tempu pasadu no sei kontinua iha tempu agora, ka asaun sira ne’ebé para tiha ona foin dadauk maibé atinji rezultadu iha tempu agora. Observa didika formulasaun ba present perfect continuous tense nian iha figura tuir mai:
Liu husi formulasaun iha figura leten, agora ita hatene ona oinsa forma fraze iha present perfect continuous tense. Observa didiak ezemplu sira tuir mai:
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Forma Pozitivu:
Atensaun katak, present perfect continuous tense ne’e babain uza hamutuk ho adverbu haensan ‘for’ no ‘since’ hodi indika durasaun tempu ba asaun ruma akontese, observa ezemplu sira iha leten ho didiak. Esplikasun detailu ba tenses ne'e bele asesu iha fonte esternal ida ne'e Present Perfect Continuous Tense, How to Use it with Examples.
Past tense ne’e uza atu ko’alia kona ba asaun ruma ne’ebé akontese iha tempu pasadu. Past tense iha tipu 4, simple past, past continuous, past perfect, no past perfect continuous. Rezumu esplikasaun simples hanesan tuir mai.
- They have been living in Dili for 10 years
- She has been studying English since 6 months
- They have been working on this project since last week.
- The motorbike has been being taken to the repair shop for a week.
Forma Negativu:
- She hasn't (has not) been studying English for a long time.
- I haven't seen him since yesterday.
- The children haven't been playing in the park for very long.
- We haven't been going to Baucau for almost a year.
Forma Interogativu:
- Have you been working on this project for very long?
- Has she been studying English for a long time?
- Have they been living in this city for very long?
- Have we been waiting for the bus for very long?
- Have the children been playing in the park for very long?
Past tense ne’e uza atu ko’alia kona ba asaun ruma ne’ebé akontese iha tempu pasadu. Past tense iha tipu 4, simple past, past continuous, past perfect, no past perfect continuous. Rezumu esplikasaun simples hanesan tuir mai.1. Simple Past
Tense ne’e uza atu espresa asaun ruma ne’ebé akontese iha tempu specifiku ruma iha pasadu, ka asaun ne’ebé kompletu ona iha tempu pasadu. Formulasaun ba tense ne’e hanesan iha figura tuir mai:
Iha formulasaun figura leten ita hatene ona oinsa uza simple past tense hodi forma fraze pozitivu, negativu no husu pergunta. Observa ezemplu sira tuir mai ho didiak:
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Forma Pozitivu:
Atensaun katak, atu forma fraze ho didiak iha simple past tense maka ita presija hatene no dekor didiak verbu sira husi regular no irregular nian, husi ezemplu iha leten ita haré katak verbu ba tempu pasadu mak ‘walked, talked, no saw’ ne’ebé mai husi verbu prezente ‘walk, talk no see’ nudar forma iha verbu sira regular no irregular lian Ingles nian. Atu hatene esplikasaun detailu kona ba verbu sira ne’e bele estuda iha ne’e: Irregular Verbs: Definition & Examples | Grammarly Blog
- I walked to school.
- She saw a bird.
- We talked about movies.
- It took 2 hours to get to Baucau.
Forma Negativu:
- You did not go to school yesterday.
- He didn't sleep last night.
- She didn't eat dinner last night.
- We didn't visit her last week.
Forma Interogativu:
- Did she tell you the secret?
- Did you see the bird?
- Did I walk to school yesterday?
- Did we visit her lately?
2. Past Continuous
Tense ne’e uza atu espresa asaun sira ne’ebé la’o hela iha tempu specifiku ruma iha pasadu, ka asaun sira ne’ebé seidauk kompletu tamba interompe husi asaun seluk ida iha tempu pasadu. Observa didiak formulasaun tense ne’e iha figura tuir mai:
Husi formulasaun iha leten, agora ita hatene ona oinsa hakerek fraze ida hanesan iha ezemplu sira tuir mai:
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Forma Pozitivu:
Atensaun katak, bainhira forma fraze negativu ‘was not’ hakerek "wasn’t" ba sujeitu singular no ‘were not’ hakerek "weren’t" ba sujeitu plural hodi simplifika ka nudar forma komum iha lian Ingles. Ba esplikasaun detailu formasaun sira ne’e haré iha ne’e Wasn't vs. Weren't: Complete Grammar Guide (15+ Examples) (grammarhow.com)
- I was walking to school when you called.
- She was reading a book when she heard a knock on the door.
- He was going to sleep when he heard a strange noise outside.
- We were watching a movie when the power went out.
Forma Negativu:
- He was not listening to the teacher.
- They weren’t watching the movie.
- I was not walking to school when you called.
- She was not studying when you called.
Forma Interogativu:
- Was she reading a book when you called?
- Were they watching a movie when you arrived?
- Was it raining when you went out?
- Was I telling you the secret?
Atensaun katak, bainhira forma fraze negativu ‘was not’ hakerek "wasn’t" ba sujeitu singular no ‘were not’ hakerek "weren’t" ba sujeitu plural hodi simplifika ka nudar forma komum iha lian Ingles. Ba esplikasaun detailu formasaun sira ne’e haré iha ne’e Wasn't vs. Weren't: Complete Grammar Guide (15+ Examples) (grammarhow.com)
3. Past Perfect
Tense ne’e uza atu espresa asaun sira ne’ebé akontese antes asaun seluk ida iha tempu pasadu, ka asaun sira ne’ebé atinji ona rejultadu iha tempu pasadu. Formulasaun ba tense ne’e hanesan defini iha figura tuir mai:
Husi formulasaun iha leten ita bele forma fraze sira henesan tuir mai:
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Forma Pozitivu:
Atensaun katak, iha formulasaun no ezemplu sira iha leten ita uza ‘had’ ba sujeitu sira singular no plural hamutuk ho past participle hodi amenta ‘-ed’ ba verbu baziku regular nian mak hanesan ‘study’ sai ‘studied’ no ‘stop’ sai ‘stopped’, nune’e mós iha verbu irregular past participle forma hanesan ‘speak’ sai ‘spoken’, ‘leave’ sai ‘left’ no ‘see’ sai ‘seen’, formasaun sira ne’e tuir gramatika standar aplika iha lian Ingles. Ba esplikasaun husi fonte seluk bele asesu iha ne’e Past Perfect Tense: Explanation and Examples (grammar-monster.com).
- He had already eaten when I arrived.
- The rain had stopped by the time we went outside.
- We had walked to school when the bus arrived.
- They had taken dinner by the time we visited.
Forma Negativu:
- She had not studied for the test.
- We had not spoken to him when we left.
- I had not seen her when we visited.
- They had not written since they moved to Dili.
Forma Interogativu:
- Had you ever seen him before?
- Had she ever studied at school?
- Had they ever visited you once?
- Had I done anything unusual before?
4. Past Perfect Continuous
Tense ne’e uza atu espresa asaun sira ne’ebé hahú iha tempu pasadu no kontinua to’o asaun seluk akontese iha pasadu, ka asaun sira ne’ebé kompletu maibé lori tempu naruk iha durasaun balun nia laran iha tempu pasadu. Formulasaun oinsa atu forma fraze ba tense ne’e hanesan iha figura tuir mai:
Agora ita bele hakerek ona fraze banati tuir formulasaun iha leten hodi forma fraze pozitivu, fraze negativu no fraze husu pergunta. Observa didiak ezemplu sira tuir mai:
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Forma Pozitivu:
Atensaun katak, iha tense ne’e ita uza ‘had’ ba sujeitu sira singular no plural hodi forma fraze, deskrebe kona ba asaun ruma hahú iha tempu pasadu no kontinua progresu ba oin no kompletu iha periodu tempu balu nia laran antes asaun seluk ruma akontese iha tempu pasadu. Esplikasaun seluk kona ba tense ne’e bele asesu iha ne’e Past Perfect Continuous: Definition, Rules And Examples (grammarlyonline.com)
- I had been eating dinner when you called.
- They had been working on the project for two months when they finished it.
- She had been studying hard for 3 years until she graduated.
- It had been going worst when you moved away.
Forma Negativu:
- We had not been working on the project for a month.
- She had not been traveling for a long time.
- It had not been easy living the poor life.
- I had not been crying for an unfortunate life.
Forma Interogativu:
- Had you been eating dinner when she called?
- Had he been waiting outside when you arrived?
- Had I been telling story of others?
- Had it been raining when she visited Lospalos?
Future tense ne’e uza atu hatete kona ba situasaun ruma ne’ebé sei akontese iha futuru. Tense ne’e iha tipu 4, simple future, future continuous, future perfect, no future perfect contunous. Rezumu esplikasaun simples ba tense ne'e hanesan deskrebe tuir mai.1. Simple Future
Tense ne’e uza atu espresa kona ba predisaun sira, planu sira, intensaun sira, ka promesa sira atu halao iha futuru. Formulasaun gramatikamente hanesan iha figura tuir mai.
Bazea formulasaun iha leten, ita bele ona hakerek fraze sira iha tipu forma pozitivu, negativu no pergunta hanesan iha ezemplu sira tuir mai:
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Forma Pozitivu:
Atensaun katak, iha simple future tense bainhira forma fraze negativu ita bele habadak ‘will not’ sai "won’t" nudar pratika komum iha gramatika lian Ingles nian. Esplikasaun detailu kona ba formasaun ne’e bele asesu iha fonte external ne’e Simple Future Tense - Explore the Meaning, Definition, Formula, Structure, Rules, Uses and Examples.
- She will go to Dili tomorrow.
- It will break your heart.
- I will stay outside tonight.
- We will visit Same next week.
Forma Negativu:
- She will not come to school tomorrow.
- They will not come again next week.
- I won’t study English tomorrow.
- It won't cost you anything.
Forma Interogativu:
- Will they help us with homework?
- Will she come to see us this week?
- Will you come to visit her again?
- Will it benefit our future?
2. Future Continuous
Tense ne’e uza atu espresa asaun ne’ebé sei akontese ka la’o iha tempu ruma specifiku iha future, ka asaun ne’ebé akontese iha futuru nudar rezultadu husi planu ka eventu ida. Formulasaun gramatika ba tenses ne’e sei defini hanesan iha figura tuir mai.
Agora ita hatene ona oinsa atu hakerek fraze ida uza formulasaun iha leten iha tipu fraze pozitivu, fraze negativu no fraze interogativu. Observa ezemplu sira tuir mai didiak:
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Forma Pozitivu:
Atensaun katak, bainhira forma fraze negativu iha future continuous tense ita bele uza ‘will not be’ ka "won’t be" depende ba nesesidade tuir gramatika Ingles nian. Atu hatene detailu kona ba esplikasaun ba tense ne’e bele asesu fonte external ne’e How to Use the Future Continuous Tense | Grammarly.
- I will be studying English tomorrow at 10am.
- She will be visiting her family next week for three days.
- They will be going to the beach this summer every weekend.
- It will be raining for two days I guess.
Forma Negativu:
- I will not be (won't be) studying English tomorrow at 7 pm.
- She will won't be visiting her family next week for three days.
- They won't be going to the beach this summer every weekend.
- It won't be cooking thoroughly without firewood.
Forma Interogativu:
- Will I be studying English tomorrow at 7 pm?
- Will she be visiting her family next week for three days?
- Will they be going to the beach this summer every weekend?
- Will it be raining next week as you predict?
3. Future Perfect
Tense ne’e uza atu espresa asaun sira ne’ebé sei kompleta antes tempu specifiku ruma iha futuru, ka asaun sira ne’ebé sei hetan rezultadu iha futuru. Formulasaun gramatika ba tenses ne’e hanesan defini iha figura tuir mai.
Liu husi formulasaun iha leten ita bele hakerek ona fraze sira hanesan iha ezemplu tuir mai:
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Forma Pozitivu:
Atensaun katak, iha forma fraze negativu ita bele uza entre ‘will not have’ ka "won’t have" hodi espresa asaun ka buat ruma. Detailu esplikasaun husi fonte external asesu iha ne’e The Future Perfect Tense (perfect-english-grammar.com)
- I will have finished my work by the time you arrive.
- She will have graduated from college by next year.
- They will have moved to their new house by the end of the summer.
- We will have completed this project by the deadline.
- You will have seen my new car soon after I buy it.
Forma Negativu:
- I won't have finished my work by the time you arrive.
- She won't have graduated from college by next year.
- They won't have moved to their new house by the end of the summer.
- We won't have completed this project by the deadline.
- You won't have seen my new car soon after I buy it.
Forma Interogativu:
- Will I have finished my work by the time you arrive?
- Will she have graduated from college by next year?
- Will they have moved to their new house by the end of the summer?
- Will we have completed this project by the deadline?
- Will you have seen my new car soon after I buy it?
4. Future Perfect Continuous
Tense ne’e uza atu espresa asaun sira ne’ebé sei hahú iha pasadu ka prezente no kontinua ’o'o tempu specifiku ruma iha futuru, ka asaun sira ne’ebé sei iha durasaun ruma iha futuru. Observa didika formulasaun gramatika ba tense ne’e iha figura tuir mai.
Bazea ba formulasaun iha leten agora ita bele ona forma fraze ida atu espresa kona ba tempu sira nudar defini gramatikamente ba tenses ne’e. Observa didiak ezemplu sira tuir mai:
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Forma Pozitivu:
Atensaun katak, iha formasaun fraze negativu nian ita bele uza entre “will not have been” ka “won’t have been” nudar pratika komum tuir gramatika lian Ingles nian. Asesu esplikasaun detailu kona ba tenses ne’e iha fonte external ida ne’e Future Perfect Continuous Tense: Explanation with Examples (2023) - EnglishCentral Blog.
- I will have been studying English for two years by next summer.
- She will have been working on this project for months by the time it's finished.
- They will have been living in that house for ten years by their next anniversary.
- We will have been waiting for the bus for over an hour by the time it finally arrives.
- You will have been seeing my new car for a while by the time I sell it.
Forma Negativu:
- I won't have been studying English for two years by next summer.
- She won't have been working on this project for months by the time it's finished.
- They won't have been living in that house for ten years by their next anniversary.
- We won't have been waiting for the bus for over an hour by the time it finally arrives.
- You won't have been seeing my new car for a while by the time I sell it.
Forma Interogativu:
- Will I have been studying English for two years by next summer?
- Will she have been working on this project for months by the time it's finished?
- Will they have been living in that house for ten years by their next anniversary?
- Will we have been waiting for the bus for over an hour by the time it finally arrives?
- Will you have been seeing my new car for a while by the time I sell it?
Belun FAHE HO ITA fiar katak, artigu ne’e bele ajuda ona ita bo’ot hodi komprinede nesesidade baziku sira husi verbu lian Ingles nian. Fó hanoin nafatin hodi kontinua prátika bebeik liu husi mekanizmu seluk hanesan haré lisaun sira lian Ingles nian iha video Youtube, buka artigu iha blog seluk ka aprende husi aplikasaun telefone nomós koko atu resposta pergunta sira iha lian Ingles tuir tenses sira maka aprende tiha ona. Estuda diak!